
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lupe Does 180 On 360 Deal. The Show Goes On

You may want to watch this video to help you better understand the situation.

Shit is real. Labels are losing money because artists aren't selling as much as they used to. Instead of trying to increase sales by putting out quality product they try to enslave artists into what are known as 360 deals. In 360 deals your label receives a percentage of EVERYTHING you do. If you land a movie role they're getting some of that money. They're getting some of your tour money. They basically own you. They don't even have to set something up to get a percentage. You could go land a movie role without help from anyone. When it comes time for you to get paid your record label will be getting a cut.

Lupe's last album The Cool went Gold. Apparently that is not enough for Atlantic so they told Lupe that his album would not release if he did not sign a 360 deal. He refused to sign the deal. He said that he would build a buzz for his album independently but Atlantic said they would sabotage any attempts to do so. He lashed out against Atlantic and once his fans caught wind of what was going on they started to take action. They first started an online petition that received over 28,000 signatures. Then the fans got together for a protest outside of the Atlantic Records office building on October 15th, 2010. After this the label had a meeting with Lupe and they came to the agreement of no 360 deal. They also announced a release date of March 8th, 2011 for his album Lasers. They have released a single produced by Kane Beatz entitled "The Show Goes On".

Lupe's fans may have saved his career from going into limbo but there are many other artists facing this same issue. Artists have to understand that they are the ones with the real power. Don't sign the first deal thrown on the table. Your best bet is ALWAYS to have multiple options. The more in demand you are as an artist the more leverage you have when negotiating your contract. Artists have to refuse 360 deals no matter what. It will never be worth it. If they don't refuse them the labels will just keep offering them and the industry will eventually self destruct. Artists and fans have to take the power back from the labels. DEATH TO 360 DEALS!

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